Production Expert

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5 Things Your Clients Are Thinking That You Should Know...

If you want to make money out of your studio then you need to think like a client, here are our top 5 things you need to know about your clients and what matters to them.

They Don’t Care About The Gear  

They don’t care what software you use to get the job done. There are a lot of conversations about Pro Tools v Studio One v Logic v REAPER v Cubase. Clients don’t know what you use and don’t care. The only issue is when you need to include other studios or producers in your workflow, then having the same software matters, that’s why so many studios use Pro Tools. If every studio flipped to using a new DAW overnight your clients wouldn’t know and frankly wouldn’t care.

Knowledge Is As Valuable As Gear

They value your knowledge more than the gear you own. Yes they want professional results, but clients don’t want an engineer reading manuals or phoning helplines; they want to know the person working on their job knows their stuff. If you don’t, then go to a site like Groove 3 or PureMix or subscribe to our own Production Expert tutorial platform and invest in making your clients happy!

Attitude, Attitude, Attitude

Your attitude counts. Clients want to work with people who know their stuff, but are also easy to work with. A ‘nothing is too hard’ attitude will not only keep existing clients but will get you new clients, reputation is tomorrow’s profit. Always own up, if you make a mistake and then go the extra mile to fix it. If you blame others or the equipment your clients will remember your screw up. If you fix it and then some, they remember that you went the extra mile, and not that you screwed up.

You’re As Good As Your Last Promise 

Keep your promises. You keep your clients promises, not just your own. If you break a promise then your client looks bad in front of their client; your can be sure that won’t win you any friends and ultimately no more business. 

Value Matters More Than Price

Money matters less when you take care of the first four. Clients are always looking to save money, but they are less likely to ask for discounts when they have a studio that looks after them.  Look after your clients and they will look after you.

Those are our 5 tips, what are yours?