Production Expert

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A Quick Tip For Keeping Tabs On What AAX Plug-ins Are 64 Bit

Here’s something I’ve done on my Mac to keep tabs on which AAX plug-ins I have that run 32-bit (Pro Tools 10) and which run 64-bit (Pro Tools 11). It’s very simple and helps me see what I’m still waiting for. It also means I can sort them, as Mac OS X treats colours as sortable labels.

Even better, in the Finder you can rename the colours with your own label; you can see I have called them 32 Bit AAX and 64 Bit AAX, respectively.

If you find it’s useful, then great. If not, simply ignore my OCD behaviour.

A small thing to mention is that some vendors are now releasing 64-bit only AAX plug-ins and will only be supporting Pro Tools 10 and below in RTAS format, so take care before doing a mass cull of your RTAS versions.