Production Expert

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Community Tips Part 13

With the support of iLok, more tips & tricks from the community…

  1. Jake Miller - When using Trigger for sampler triggering, instead of using it on an Auxiliary Track as prescribed by Slate, duplicate the track you want to trigger from and instantiate Trigger at 100% wet. This way you can separately edit and treat the track you are triggering from.  This is useful when triggering drums and there are bleed or noise-triggering samples. It also saves you having to mess around with the “Suppression” feature and wasting busses. Another good way to improve the accuracy of the transient detection is to place a transient designer plugin before Trigger, and increasing the attack substantially to emphasise what Trigger should be looking for. 
  2. Matthew Golden - To get the most out of nature recordings, I tend toward using a harmonic exciter in the hi-mids and highs rather than just boosting the EQ. This way, any EQ is sparingly needed. Specific recordings this helps on is anything with insects, rain, wind, waves and tides, and birds. I just got back from a trip through the Balkans and this trick made so many of my recordings just sparkle and pop out. More separation and dimension is achieved, making the BG more versatile in the end.
  3. Grant Baker - I get an OMF from the Final Cut Pro editor.  It’s got audio tracks all over the place because that’s the way he works.  There are multiple zaps, crashes and booms which are instances of the same sound through out the session.  All these need to be leveled and filtered before mixing.  Rather than manually dragging them one-by-one onto one track, I do the following:
  4. 1. Right-click on the hand selector tool and change it to Object.  
  5. 2. Go to the clip bin and right click on the one clip that has multiple instances and choose “Object Select in Edit Window”.
  6. 3. In the Edit Window, these will now be all selected.  You can then (Mac) Control-Click and drag all these instances of the file to a vacant track in one movement while keeping them all in time.
  7. 4. If there are overlaps, you’ll need extra vacant tracks for as many overlaps as you have but it’s still one Control-Click drag instead of many.  
  8. 5. Set your levels and eq for the track and carry on.
  9. Saves me heaps of time on content that doesn’t need to sound different.

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More tips & tricks from the community tomorrow…