Production Expert

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Studio Sessions From Sonnox - Red Triangle Productions Part 1

Red Triangle - songwriting/production duo Rick Parkhouse and George Tizzard - have between them sold over 5 million records and worked with a multitude of artists from the UK and USA.

In this two part video, shot at their studio ’The Beach’ in Bournemouth, Rick and George talk to Sonnox about working as a pair, thoughts on music streaming services, and demonstrate some nice mixing tips!

Don't forget that MixMasterWyatt Academy and Sonnox have got together to offer a free webinar on getting your music ready for streaming. Daniel Wyatt from MixMasterWyatt Academy and Josep M. Sola from Sonnox are running this free webinar on two different days, either on October 18th at 2pm EST or October 19th at 2pm EST.

See this gallery in the original post