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Free Tutorial - How To Create Space Using An Empty Snapshot In Match EQ With The Nugen Audio SEQ-S

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In this free video tutorial, brought to you with the support of Nugen Audio, you will learn how to create space in a mix using an empty Snapshot in the Match EQ section the Nugen SEQ-S plug-in.

For more information about SEQ-S please visit the Nugen Audio website.

What Is SEQ-S?

SEQ-S is a spline based EQ, rather than offering a fixed number of bands with different filter types with which to construct an EQ curve, SEQ-S uses a system of "splines" - control points which can be directly manipulated and an overall EQ curve constructed.

This linear phase EQ offers comprehensive control, one of its most useful capabilities being "Match EQ". In a previous tutorial we showed how to use this feature to match the shound between two different microphones by capturing a "snapshot" or EQ profile of each mic and imposing one onto the other.

What Is Using An Empty Snapshot In Match EQ?

By capturing a snapshot of an instrument and using that as the source Snapshot but instead of selecting a destination snapshot to match to, you select and empty snapshot, an EQ curve is created which is the carves out an EQ cut which is based on the source snapshot -  to put it another way, it subtracts the energy occupied by the source signal (the instrument for which space needs to be created) from the destination signal (the instruments from which space needs to be created).

In This Tutorial

Watch the tutorial to see how this technique can be used to create space in a mix for a solo trumpet so that the trumpet remains clearly audible without its level needing to be raised as far.

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