Production Expert

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A Message To Audio Post Professionals

We are taking a rare opportunity to write to a section of our community, audio post professionals. There’s a simple reason, those working in audio post are facing some unprecedented challenges and we aim to be a place where you can feel supported.

It’s a tough time to be an audio post professional for various reasons. 

Down The Food Chain

First, despite the exponential growth in streaming platforms, monetising them hasn’t been as simple as some thought. However, content is king, so those running these platforms have to make watchable content that will generate revenue. Apple, Amazon, Netflix, et al. have become de facto production studios. Good content costs money; it takes top-name actors, directors, and crew. 

Take a show like Yellowstone, it is estimated that each episode cost between $7 million and $20 million. That’s for one episode of one show. However, like movies, these big numbers aren’t always making it down to the end of the food chain, in many cases that being audio post.

Too often conversations take place, to quote some producers, “We’ve run out of budget for sound.” or worse, “There’s no money in the budget for sound.” We’re not sure which one is more insulting. We don’t imagine anyone has ever responded with, “Well, that’s you f*cked, you can’t finish the show then.” Secondly, not all content on TV is made on mega budgets, some are created on a shoestring to stuff channels full of cheap content, like documentaries or reality TV, this is reflected in the money available for audio post work.

Suffice it to say, whatever the budget, there’s rarely enough for audio post work. As a result, professionals have to scrap it out to get work, usually by cutting rates, which only encourages a race to the bottom. It’s easy looking from the outside to suggest people stand their ground and believe in their true value, but sadly principles don’t pay for rent. It’s the same for movies too.

That’s the first problem. 

Existential Threats

Then there’s the existential threat of AI. Real or imagined, it’s a problem. Many professionals are already reporting that producers are asking them to ‘use AI’ to cut the budget on the work. They think there’s a magic piece of software that replaces decades of professional experience. In many ways, they don’t give a sh*t about the compromises that may need to be made. Just deliver the work. Or worse, it’s ‘deliver a project for half the budget we gave you last time at the same quality and to a deadline.’

We’ve been very clear on the blog, AI isn’t bad per-se, in some cases it’s saving our bacon and enabling us to deliver quality even in the face of this adversity, but it’s also got some bad sides that those in power are trying to leverage to cut costs.

We recently reported on the crisis affecting the industry. It’s hard to be in post right now. It’s stressful, and with many of us working from home, lonely, too.

Why We Do This

There’s a final problem that audio brands have been highlighting to us at the Experts for some time. While there are some excellent publications, both online and in print, supporting the music community, publications for audio post professionals are very few, some suggest almost non-existent.

The Experts was founded to support both music and post. Russ set up the AIR Users Blog for the music sector, and Mike set up the less well-known Pro Tools For Media blog. We felt that we could pool our respective passions and experience to make a single resource for music and post audio professionals.

We think that somewhere for post professionals to get support, advice, and news is more important than ever, even vital. That’s why we want to commit to all of our post readers, and we are making a renewed effort to support you. This means investing in talented writers and contributors who understand what it is to work in post-production. We want to ensure that we create content that scratches where you itch, even more that we address the pain points. We continue to talk to those making products to support you in your work and making sure we keep you as informed as possible about their efforts.

Part Of The Answer

We are not the final word on this. There are some wonderful communities supporting the audio post world, such as CAS, MPSE and AMPS. There are also some excellent online communities, such as Air Wiggles and various forums and social media communities. We recommend you join those that suit your needs.

However, our world is publishing, creating content, and helping you with tips, tricks, reviews, advice, news, and more. Of course, in almost all cases, our content is completely free.

This post is simply to say to those working in post audio, The Experts haven’t forgotten you, and we’re going to continue to invest to support you.

If you have tips, experience, or knowledge you would like to share with the audio post community, please don't hesitate to use the Contact Us page to let us know. And if you know of any resources then let us know too, links prevent comments from being published.

Thanks for supporting us!

Russ And Mike

See this gallery in the original post