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Pro Tools 2024.6 - Bugfixes

With the release of Pro Tools 2024.6 comes the usual tranche of bug fixes. Here is the full list. 


  • Removed superfluous fields when navigating the Memory Locations window with Voice Over (PT-319272)


  • Pro Tools will no longer hang on launch if an ARA plugin is not authorized (PT-323350)

  • Fixed a bug where a multichannel clip could lose its ARA edits when dragged to the track 2 times in a row from Clips List (only if the clip has been displayed in an expanded view) (PT-324311)

  • Pro Tools will no longer throw an assert after track Timebase change was undone and ARA plugin has been assigned to the track in Playlists view (PT-324081)

  • Fixed a bug with the keyboard focus being lost by ARA plugins docked tab or detached window (PT-323933)

  • Fixed a bug where opening and closing a clip Loop properties dialog would affect the timing of ARA render operation (PT-322498)

  • Improved the warning shown when ARA processing cannot be applied to multichannel heterogeneous clips with non-matching channels length (PT-322253)

  • Assigning an ARA plugin to a group of tracks including Audio alongside MIDI or Instrument tracks will no longer result in Pro Tools crash or hang (PT-321921)

  • Soloing an alternate playlist of a Melodyne ARA track with a selected clip will now correctly update the selection in the Melodyne ARA UI (PT-319975)

  • Pro Tools will no longer post 'Saving ARA Data...' frequent and long progress bars on session save or auto-save if there have not been new ARA edits detected since the last save. This should apply to most workflows. The users might still experience such progress bar to appear if there's a lot of edited ARA data to be saved (e.g. short trimmed clip has been edited which references the 1 hour length source clip) (PT-300319)

  • Melodyne ARA will now be able to process multichannel files imported with different channel names (applies to AAF files, files that have iXML metadata) (PT-294221)

  • Fixed a bug where Melodyne ARA edits were not rendered upon importing tracks or track presets with ARA data saved as non-interleaved over existing higher-than-stereo audio track (PT-289200)

Audio Playback

  • Playhead would skip timeline during playback when scrolling horizontally (PT-308808)

  • Click II would skip, shuffle or drop certain beats (PT-227556 /PT-253883)

Commit / Freeze

  • Committing multiple audio clips on the same track now gives each resulting file a unique timestamp (PT-322882)

Control Surfaces

  • Avid Control will now show session names in "Open Recent" (PT-323201)

  • The "Reverse Automation Lanes" setting on S4/S6 now behaves correctly when opening a session (PT-323136)

  • HEAT controls now display correct values on EUCON surfaces (PT-322098)

  • Pro Tools will no longer crash on closing sessions when connected to a EUCON surface (PT-322073)

  • VCA Master tracks now display 9.1.6 metering correctly on EUCON surfaces (PT-321930)

  • "Clear" function on S4/S6 now punches automation correctly for combined EQ/Dyn plugins (PT-321324)

  • Pan height controls now match between Pro Tools and EUCON surfaces (PT-321320)

  • CDM waveform displays on S6 would fail to update to match the GUI updates of Pro Tools. (PT-320516)

  • Pro Tools and EUCON control surface insert bypass state now stay in sync with the HDX/Carbon hybrid engine under several circumstances, such as disabling DSP mode (PT-324706)

Crashes and Errors

  • An error message would occur when trying to overwrite existing Pro Tools template in Pro Tools 2024.3 (PT-321531)

  • Fixed a hang that may occur when rapidly punching in and out in Destructive Punch mode (PT-319305)

  • Fixed a crash that may occur with Aux I/O when device settings change (Crashlog report - Thank you for submitting!) (PT-312001)

  • Fixed a case where Pro Tools would throw an assertion and crash after assigning a specific video track as the destination in the Import Session Data Window (PT-305975)

  • Fixed an assertion error that would occur when right-clicking on a marker lane after rendering an elastic audio clip (PT-320636)

  • Fixed a crash that would occur when mapping a routing folder to an Aux track and then importing one of the members of the routing folder as a new track (PT-324983)

Delay Compensation

  • Tempo synced plug-ins are now delay compensated on Instrument Tracks during playback (PT-237020)

  • Audio passing through Human Lite audio plugin is no longer late when the insert is bypassed (PT-322518)

  • VIs with internal sequencers would not be compensated correctly during offline bounce, as a result tracks with less delay would land later (PT-323139)

  • After changing Playback Engine buffer, Instrument/MIDI tracks would be out of time when there was high latency on master bus and AFL/ PFL path set in IO setup (PT-322551)

  • Recorded audio on cascaded audio tracks is now in sync if you record enable the track before enabling Destructive Punch mode (PT-300888)

  • Aux tracks are now compensated correctly after toggling the active state if a plug-in is inserted after a hardware insert (PT-293686)


  • DigiTest "Sync Firmware" tab will once again auto-detect a sync peripheral after switching to the "Slot Info" tab (PT-323349)

  • DigiTest "Slot Info" and "Audio I/O Firmware" tabs now correctly display HD Native Thunderbolt MCU version (PT-324096)

Dolby Atmos™

  • WAV ADM BWF start and end times are once again correct if the start and end time of the bounce selection does not land on a frame edge (PT-323490)

  • A quick non-object pan to height speakers causes a dropout in the middle of the pan (PT-321736)

  • Integrated a fix for the Dolby Atmos renderer which prevents phasing when the size parameter is used on a dry signal and panned in the center (PT-318445)

  • Auto-height now functions outside of 7.x.2 when panning to other track widths that contain height channels (PT-320660)

  • Height data is now immediately written when switching from an auto-height mode to FreeForm (PT-323166)

  • Height data is no longer written when starting an automation write pass in "FreeForm" mode and then switching to a height shape in “Auto-height overrides height automation” mode (PT-321687)

  • Fixed an issue where height data was not recorded to a second system if Height Mode was set to FreeForm at the start of the pass (PT-295247)

  • Trim and Downmix data is now imported if any changes are made to 'Track Data to Import' (PT-323537)

  • Coloring an unselected Dolby Atmos will no longer also color the selected groups (PT-322891)

  • Attempting to export a WAV ADM BWF using the "Connected Renderer" settings will now offer you to use default settings if there is a bed configuration mismatch with the connected renderer (PT-322842)

  • Track input monitoring is now maintained after session reopen if the track has a Dolby Atmos re-render assigned to the track input (PT-321852)

  • Track input monitoring is now maintained after opening and closing I/O Setup or H/W Setup (PT-318960)

  • Restoring or importing an I/O Setup .pio file that came from a 9.1.6 system, will no longer cause inconsistent signal and metering in Pro Tools Studio. (PT-320698)

  • It's now possible to monitor the Dolby Atmos renderer during an online bounce (PT-319737)

  • Import Session Data does now imports Trim and Downmix data if the option is checked but no tracks are imported (PT-312117)

  • A crackle in the audio is no longer heard when switching track outputs between beds with the internal Dolby Atmos renderer (PT-319049)

  • An LFE fader is no longer visible when a track is assigned to both an object and a non-LFE-capable channel width (PT-277699)


  • Dragging program changes in Edit window Program Change track view was not functioning and Program Changes editing in the MIDI Editor was sluggish (PT-320942)

  • Stopped creating duplicate clips when moving a selection with the grabber tool that was made on a routing folder which did not have and member clips directly selected (PT-323216)

  • The default shortcut for the Auto-Spot mode has been removed, making it harder to accidently enable this mode (PT-323214)

  • Moving clips inside a Routing Folder no longer moves them onto a different track when "Automation Follows edit" is disabled (PT-320145)

  • Improved edit selection behavior when moving between tracks with 'P' and ';' if 'Automation Follows Edit' is off and 'Marker Follows Edit' is on, and both automation and marker lanes are visible (PT-323241)

  • Selecting and deselecting clips in the timeline using time range selection with Object Grabber Tool enabled will correctly update clips selection in the Clips List (PT-321543)

  • Changed the keyboard shortcut names for the commands that move the marker lane selection (PT-321319)

    • Was:

      • Move / Extend Edit Selection to Previous / Next Marker Zone

    • Now:

      • Move / Extend Edit Selection to Marker Lane Above / Below

Elastic Audio

  • Elastic Audio picker UI will now respect the inactive state of the track (PT-299719)

Hybrid Engine

  • The last used track DSP mode state is now preserved after round tripping a session with a non-hybrid engine system (PT-275955)


  • Import Session Data would not import Tempo Map on first import if the conductor track in the original session was OFF (PT-320805)

  • The pan link state is now maintained when importing stereo tracks with panners with Import Session Data (PT-315392/PT-324032)

  • Bulk importing all tracks at once in the Import Session Data Window with Pro Tools Studio will now select the first video track instead of the last one (PT-323923 / PT-322904)

  • Improved the selection time of tracks in the Import Session Data when there are hundreds of tracks (PT-322353)

  • The Import Session Data Window can now display emojis (PT-322343)

  • Audio files with the same SMPTE ID are no longer copied when selecting 'Don't Use File' on the ID conflict dialog (PT-293298)

  • Pro Tools will no longer hang upon drag n' drop of an audio file from the OS Finder/explorer or Workspace browser to the MIDI or Instrument track when Audio to MIDI conversion is initiated (PT-322345)


  • Fixed a case where the Pro Tools HD hardware driver would not install on some systems running Windows OS (PT-322303)

Keyboard Shortcuts

  • The default keyboard shortcut to enable/disable Tab to Transient mode conflicts with OS keyboard shortcuts on Windows OS, so we have reassigned the shortcut to Ctl+Alt+Start+T.  macOS is not affected (PT-321552)

  • The “Move Play Start Marker to Timeline Selection Start/End Minus Pre Roll“ commands now use the Pre-Roll amount even if Pre-Roll is not enabled (PT-316433)

Markers / Memory Locations

  • Importing an AAF with "Marker Target Follows First Selected Track" unchecked no longer causes an assertion when attempting to make a new marker (PT-323282)

  • Shift + Up/Down arrow keys, backspace/delete, and Cmd+A (macOS) / Ctrl+A (Win) in the Memory Location Window no longer trigger edit commands at the same time as a bulk action.  The commands pass through to the Edit Window when "Manage" mode is off, and pass to the Memory Location Window when "Manage" mode is on (PT-317424 / PT-32)

  • Track Markers now follow Time Operations, such as "Cut Time" (PT-324297)

  • Changing the session tempo now reorders the Memory Locations window if appropriate (PT-323999)

  • Marker color selection is now updated in the Color Palette Window when recalled from Memory Locations Window (PT-323798)

  • Marker locations now recall even if they are hidden by filtering in the Memory Locations window (PT-323276)

  • Memory Locations can now be edited during playback (PT-323037)

  • Duplicate and Repeat commands no longer cause bad behavior if markers are included in the selection (PT-321704)

  • Improved filtering performance in the Memory Locations Window (PT-320045)

  • It's once again possible to shift click in the Memory Locations Window to extend a selection, as long as the window is not in 'Manage' mode (PT-318634)

  • Cleaned up playback restart behavior with Dynamic Transport Mode when recalling markers (PT-317429)

  • "When 'Dynamic Transport Follows Timeline Selection During Playback' and 'Play Start Marker Follows Timeline Selection' are off, playback no longer restarts when selecting a marker. 

  • When 'Dynamic Transport Follows Timeline Selection During Playback' is off and 'Play Start Marker Follows Timeline Selection' is on, selecting a marker no longer relocate the Play Start Marker during playback, nor restart playback"


  • In some cases duplicating Kontakt instances with Instruments loaded would lead to a crash  (PT-323667)

  • SysEX data would not move upon clicking and dragging when in SLIP mode and SPOT dialog window would not open when clicking on the SysEX data when in SPOT mode (PT-322840)

  • Last hovered note in the MIDI Editor would get stuck in hover colored state. (PT-321555)

  • MIDI FX plug-ins and VIs would erroneously appear in the MIDI Beat Clock dialog (PT-319941)

  • MIDI Note editing would be non functional after viewing MIDI FX Automation (PT-317494)

  • Tabbing through the Event Operations would lead to a crash or SWOD (PT-316925)

  • Option+Click to hide all the tracks in the MIDI Editor would not work (PT-315376)

  • When Notation view was enabled, hiding tracks in the MIDI editor would leave the last one visible (PT-315370)

  • Duplicating and inactive Track with a VI loaded would set the MIDI Instrument Output to none on the destination track (PT-313324)

  • During playback the cursor would flash in the Velocity lane in full-size MIDI Editor (PT-304317)

  • MIDI Editors (both docked and window) would show blank MIDI lanes when a non MIDI/Instrument track was selected (PT-293394)

  • Applying "Remove Duplicate Notes" to quantized 32nd notes would turn them into 16th notes (PT-243910)

  • After importing a MIDI track from Logic and inserting a VI, the MIDI output would not be assigned (PT-272173)

  • There would be missing notes and incorrect lengths during MIDI playback/recording when multiple sources/destinations were involved in the MIDI Input/Output menus (PT-323740)

  • In some cases duplicating more than 10 times an Instrument track with VI loaded would lead to a crash (PT-323199)

  • Stopping playback at the end of MIDI notes would sometimes lead to hanging notes (PT-322487)

  • If the MIDI Beat Clock Dialog was long enough to have a scrollbar, the GUI of the values would appear glitchy (PT-319934)

  • VIs would not play back a few notes (or at all) after AAE-9173 (PT-312852 / PT-279879)

  • Opening in PT 2024.3 a session created or saved in 2023.12.1 that had with a MIDI FX plugin inserted on Audio track, would lead to permanent SWOD (PT-320463)

  • MIDI keyboard window was not saved and would close every time that a Window Configuration was reloaded (PT-324325)

  • MIDI Keyboard window would not be brought into focus after typing the corresponding key modifier (PT-322230)

  • MIDI Keyboard would not be shown after reopening session (PT-270853)

  • MIDI Keyboard would not be shown after choosing Hide/Show Floating Windows (PT-270852)

  • Recalling a saved Window Configuration would not focus on the Insertion Point in a MIDI Editor if the saved zoom level would differ from the current setting (PT-250317)

  • Recording MIDI from a track would be ahead of time if the source track was Record Enabled (PT-323294)


  • Improved performance when showing automation lanes when the track has many automation lanes (PT-320353)


  • Reverb tail no longer cuts off after 8 seconds on HDX when using AAX hybrid plugins (Altiverb, Space) (PT-200756)

  • BF-76 Ratio and Metering selection buttons can now be selected consistently (PT-299177)

  • BF-76 Ratio buttons are now consistently responsive to user input (PT-285641)

Pro Tools | Carbon Systems

  • When using Carbon, signal is now passed correctly when bus recording from a source track set to DSP Mode (PT-315219)

  • Carbon Pre preamp settings are no longer reset to default after reopening Pro Tools (PT-323091)

  • Preamp control cluster is no longer out of place in the Mix window when switching between different PRE devices (PT-311169)

  • Preamp control clusters are no longer missing on tracks with inputs assigned to Expander C when Expander B is not assigned in Carbon Central (PT-324765)

Pro Tools Scripting SDK

  • Fixed a bug where 'Unknown error' message could be displayed instead of 'No open session' error when a command was issued to Pro Tools with no session opened (PT-323838)

  • ExportMix API will now correctly respect the include video parameter when exporting with Video (PT-323365)

  • ExportMix API will now export audio with a correct sample rate when 88.2k or 176.4k are chosen (PT-323288)

  • SelectAllClipsOnTrack API: clips will not be selected on all tracks when running the command if initial selection was set to the beginning of session (PT-323278)

  • ExportSelectedTracksAsAAFOMF API will now correctly export stereo or multi-channel tracks as multiple mono tracks with 'export stereo as multichannel' set True (PT-322870)

  • SelectTracksByName API: Even-numbered tracks are now correctly deselected with selection mode set to Subtract (PT-322782)

  • The ExportSessionInfoAsText command will no longer return an error when the exported file is larger than 4MB size (PT-322500)

  • Memory Location commands called via Pro Tools Scripting SDK will not return a redundant 'VENUE is not connected' warning when Venue parameters are not passed and the Venue console is not connected to Pro Tools (PT-321672)

  • The muted state of the track set by SetTrackMuteState API will be preserved after executing the command and clicking on the Pro Tools timeline if the Link Timeline and Edit Selection option is enabled (PT-320789)

  • When running the ExportSessionInfoAsText command, the fade_handling_type argument will now have an effect when set to CombineCrossfadedClips (PT-320730)

  • ClearMemoryLocation command will now correctly return warnings for Memory Locations which don't exist (PT-320690)

  • Muted tracks will stay implicitly muted when setting a Track Solo state via Pro Tools Scripting SDK (PT-320667)

  • The event of Editing a Memory location via Pro Tools Scripting SDK is now registered in the Undo History (PT-320554)

  • Pro Tools mouse cursor will no longer be changing to the standard OS shape when an event is issued to Pro Tools via Pro Tools Scripting SDK (PT-311493)

Production Management / Interplay

  • Audio is no longer distorted when sending MXF audio from Pro Tools to VizOne via Marquis Medway (PT-315989)

Routing and I/O Setup

  • The warning message telling you that "some bus paths could not be mapped" once again appears when opening a session with unavailable output mappings, if the Dolby Atmos internal renderer is enabled (PT-324744)

  • The 'New Sub Path' and 'Delete Path' buttons are no longer active in I/O Setup when a path is not selected, preventing a crash (PT-324265)

  • Stereo coefficients are now used when assigning a larger than stereo track to the overheads subpath of a 7.1.2 (PT-321668)

Sibelius Interchange

  • Copying MIDI notes in Pro Tools using marquee selection now pastes correctly in Sibelius (PT-323981)

  • Muted notes will now be ignored when pasting MIDI from Pro Tools to Sibelius (PT-323374)


  • Improved Sketch playback sync with Pro Tools (PT-323156)

  • MIDI notes at the beginning of a clip will now playback as expected in Sketch (PT-320974 / PT-311211)

  • Undoing record while loop recording MIDI with external controller no longer results in hanging note in the Sketch Window (PT-320313)

  • Transport setting adjustments to saved Sketch for now registered  (PT-320278 / PT-320273 / PT-320272)

  • Audio now properly rendered when drag and dropping an instrument track clip in the Edit Window to an audio track in the Sketch Window (PT-319983)

  • Dragging a scene through bottom of Sketch Window is now possible (PT-311984)


  • Communication with SYNC HD will no longer be lost when closing a session or leaving the system idle (PT-320006 / PT-323668)

  • Sync peripherals locked to video reference will no longer lose sync or be set to the wrong format when opening a session (PT-282999 / PT-323532)

  • Sync X will no longer lose Video Reference lock after repeated play/stop commands (PT-323173)

  • Sync X will now correctly respond to LTC counting sequence discontinuities (PT-314005)


  • Expand window button of Task Manager was unavailable  when there was an error present (PT-322605)

  • Zooming in/out would cause waveforms to flicker and appear in the wrong place when "While loading waveforms, display in low resolution" preference was enabled (PT-284822)

  • Selector/Grabber tool cursors would change to arrow pointer cursor for the duration of mousedown (MAC only) (PT-310242)

  • Fixed several UI issues in the Dolby Atmos I/O Setup tab when running Pro Tools in Japanese (PT-319413)

  • Track output and send assignments will reflect the output path assignment, rather than the bus mapped to the output (PT-316259)

  • VCA's now always have at least a mono meter, even if no tracks are assigned yet.  This prevents cases where the meter would not show up when it should (PT-323185)

  • Tracks in playlist view will no longer show as selected when navigating the edit selection away from it with Timeline and Edit Selection linked (PT-317404)

  • Cursor and text are once again shown while typing comments in Edit Window on a Windows OS (PT-228098)

  • If multiple automation lanes are shown in the MIDI Editor Window, then changing the view of one will now update lane name and not corrupt the window view (PT-322086)

  • Fixed a bug where Pro Tools window would remain open on the external display after opening a different session (PT-320402)

  • Clip Effects detached window will now correctly remember the last screen position if was left in in the previous session when opening in a new session (PT-320265)

  • Fixed a bug where Pro Tools dialogs would freeze on screen and remain visible after closing them when Pro Tools Edit or Mix Window is in full screen mode (PT-317423)

  • The IO Setup background no longer turns black on Windows OS when clicking on a path assignment window (PT-315535)

  • On Windows, Vertical and horizontal scrolling is sluggish in edit window (PT-318732)


  • XDCAM HD 50 video created by Media Composer 2023.8 and higher now plays correctly in Pro Tools (UME-1720)

  • Pro Tools Artist and Intro no longer prompt to enable the video engine if the session was saved with video on a higher tier (PT-322910)


  • Workspace would not show Time Signature/Key value for exported MIDI files or Sessions (PT-243152)

  • Track Data selections/deselections of Track Presets in Workspace would not persist Workspace window was closed without selecting a different preset/folder first (PT-286933)

  • Right-clicking a folder in Location column of Workspace now only displays the context menu instead of opening the folder (PT-283375)

  • Pro Tools will no longer crash when auditioning in Workspace (PT-319546)


  • Creating a new template no longer creates an empty folder next to the resulting .ptxt file with the same name as the template (PT-323805)

  • In Window Configurations window, the "Include MIDI Lanes in Display Settings" checkbox would often fail to preserve its state and would lead to mismatch between UI indicator vs actual state when reopening a session (PT-325172)

  • Prevented the ability to focus text fields from other windows when a modal window is open, such as IO Setup or Preferences (PT-324775)

  • Menus are now available while text edit fields (such as track comments) are focussed.  This also means you can now save while editing text (PT-320099)

  • Dashboard tutorials dialogs will now correctly relinquish focus when there is a Pro Tools warning dialog on screen (PT-323827)

See this gallery in the original post