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PT Prefs 2 Updated To Include Backup And Restoring Individual Files

Pete Gates has announced PT Prefs 2 v2.5.1 of his excellent free Pro Tools Preferences Trasher tool. We have the details.

What Is PT Prefs 2?

PT Prefs is a utility program for macOS that can delete / backup / restore various preference and support files, often referred to as ‘Pro Tools preference trashing’.

It doesn't delete any essential system files. They are all just settings, which, at worst, can be manually re-entered. Sometimes, Pro Tools can benefit from having these files cleared out, for example, after a crash. Once ‘trashed’, Pro Tools remakes them with default settings the next time you run Avid’s DAW.

If you are unsure which options to check, it is safe to check them all. In fact, if you are running this software as a result of a problem rather than as preventative maintenance, it is recommended that you trash all preferences, as it's more likely to solve the problem.

What’s New In PT Prefs V2.5.1

Pete says this on the thread in the DUC

“At long last I've released version 2.5.1.

There's now the ability to individually delete preference files or delete a custom selection (like Version 1 used to have!).

You can individually restore parts of a backup.

Certain plugins that have multiple architectures are better recognised.

Newer type AAX plugin cache is handled.

A couple of small bugs have been fixed.

Some files (notably some Avid template files) have higher permissions than is usual, still trying to work out how best to deal with that.”

What’s New In PT Prefs V2.2.1

Pete says this on the thread in the DUC

“Hopefully fixed the date sorting issue on other systems, which ended up being quite complicated. Also, you can now scan AU/VST/VST3 plugins. The type is displayed (and saved with Excel export).”

What’s New In PT Prefs V2.1.1

Pete Gates has posted on the thread in the DUC

“You can now do searches in the plugin list. The search is a simple case-insensitive partial search of the Plugin Name/Version/Manufacturer fields. The search will clear any custom column sorting applied.”

What’s New In PT Prefs v2.0.11

Double-clicking an entry in the plugin list will take you to the plugin bundle. The only exception for this is if you double-click in the manufacturer column. The app will take you to the manufacturer's website when you do this. Pete has also added mapping for some manufacturer names, which don’t match the websites.

What’s New In PT Prefs 2.0.10

For Pro Tools Carbon users, Pete has added the option to trash the Carbon pio files - Pro Tools_Carbon.pio and Pro Tools_Carbon Expanded.pio.

What Changed When PT Prefs V2 Was Released

  • It's a Universal Binary, so it runs natively on Intel & ARM64

  • It requires macOS 10.10 Yosemite minimum

  • Plugin reporting now only reports active plugins

  • Plugin reporting now only reports AAX plugins

  • Plugin reporting now reports plugin architecture - Intel/ARM/Universal

  • Plugin reporting can now export an Excel of the installed AAX plugins

  • The main window is resizable - for the plugin list

  • It only supports 64-bit Pro Tools installations now

If you want to learn more, check out our article, Free PT Prefs App Now Apple Silicon Compatible.

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