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Two Character Traits To Set A Modern Audio Professional Apart From The Crowd

Audio production is facing attack from several sides, some technology based, and attitudes that expect us to do more with less. I've come to realise that technical skills alone are no longer sufficient to stand out. Today, distinguishing myself requires a blend of abilities and character traits that extend beyond mere technical proficiency. In this article, I'll look at two fundamental character traits that I believe set modern audio professionals apart, the second one may surprise you.

Excellence: Striving for More

Excellence isn't about achieving perfection; it's about continuously pushing myself to new heights and refusing to settle for mediocrity. At its core it’s about being better than I was yesterday, the person I’m competing with is myself. In an industry saturated with shortcuts, quick fixes, and the ubiquitous ‘hacks’, embracing excellence showcases dedication and commitment to delivering the best possible results. 

I've found that going the extra mile and setting high standards for myself not only elevates my work but also sets me apart from the crowd. Sometimes the person setting the bar higher is the client or the artist. I saw someone on social media the other day complaining about how a client wasn’t happy with a noise they could hear on a mix. The person doing the work said they couldn’t hear any issue. Bottom line, the client could, so it’s the mixer’s job to find out what the client means and put it right. It can be infuriating, but that’s the price of excellence, anyone can settle. It’s even harder when there’s no team to check your work, sometimes the first QC is the client, then it comes back to be fixed again. I’ve been in situations where I could swear everything is right, then it comes back again!

Throughout my journey, I've been inspired by fellow audio professionals, and clients, who embody excellence in their craft, and their dedication serves as a constant reminder of the importance of striving for excellence. It’s a simple concept, but hard to do.

Kindness: A Surprising Strength

This one may surprise you, the power is kindness. In a competitive industry often marked by cynicism, criticism, and negativity, I've learned that kindness can make the difference. Anyone can be a critic, can find faults, it takes a different kind of person to see the good in people and situations - I’d go as far as saying, it’s a sign of creativity in a person.

Far from being a sign of weakness, kindness demonstrates strength of character and fosters genuine connections with others. I've found that by approaching work with kindness and generosity, we not only create a more positive work environment but also build lasting relationships with clients and peers in the audio community. 

Speaking as someone who is heading to his 60th year, and having been in this industry for several decades, one area I’d suggest we need to do better is in encouraging those younger and just starting out. I know there’s a lot of stupidity in the world, and wisdom is in short supply, but sharing our experience is an antidote. Take someone like Romesh Dodangoda, an incredibly busy producer, but who still finds time to help those just getting started. I wonder when he finds time to sleep. Or someone like Bob Katz, a man who's forgotten more about audio than most of us know, but still finds time to share his skill and wisdom. This is where this blog started, some had a need and we tried to meet it, a blog was a way we could meet the needs of more than one person at a time. Fifteen years later and the rest, as they say, is history. Modern communications technology has never made it easier to show acts of kindness, there’s no excuse.

Finally, kindness is contagious, I've witnessed firsthand how even small acts of kindness can make a significant impact on those around us. People may often forget the details of a situation but few forget an act of kindness.

The Synergy of Excellence and Kindness

I've come to realise that excellence and kindness are not mutually exclusive; rather, they complement and reinforce each other. By embodying these traits simultaneously, I've found that I can elevate both my professional journey and the industry as a whole. Integrating excellence and kindness into my daily practice has not only enhanced my creative output but also fostered a culture of collaboration and support within my professional circles. I've discovered that by upholding these core values,we not only distinguish ourselves as professionals but also contribute to a more positive and inclusive industry culture.

Staying true to the values of excellence and kindness can sometimes be challenging. We sometimes want to find a shortcut, or when stressed find it easier to be cynical and unkind. Whether it's dealing with criticism, managing deadlines, or balancing work and personal life, trying to stay grounded in these core values has helped me navigate challenges with greater resilience and grace. I don’t always get it right, but it sets a high bar for me to try and get over, sometimes the pole snaps as I attempt to get over the bar.  I’m also convinced that values are not meant to be easy, they are meant to challenge us, like circuit training for the soul. The more we do it the stronger we get. I’m not writing this as someone who has arrived, more as someone on the journey, knowing they are worth the cost.

In an industry where technical skills are abundant and tools are readily accessible, it is these intangible qualities that set a modern audio professional apart. Together, they encourage fellow professionals to strive for excellence and kindness, inspiring others through their actions and contributions to the field.

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