Production Expert

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Review - Applied Acoustics Systems Objeq Delay Plug-in

Production Expert team member Eli Krantzberg from our sister site Logic Pro Expert has reviewed the Objeq Delay from Applied Acoustics Systems.  It is a creative effect processor based on physical modelling technology and uses no sampling nor convolution algorithms. It is an effect processor built around the combination of a filter, acoustic resonators and a delay module. The input signal is first processed through filters, then acoustic resonators such as drumheads, strings, plates, and bars, allowing to add acoustic resonances to the sound and change its timbre. 

Objeq Delay can both transform the timbre of the incoming signal and create rhythmic effects and/or add echoes to the signal. The transformed signal is then sent to a pre-delay followed by a second delay with a feedback loop that either preserves the stereo imaging, or sums the signal and bounces it from side to side in Ping-Pong mode. Objeq Delay also includes an LFO module for the modulation of the different filter, resonator, and delay parameters. Finally, a Mixer module allows one to control the amount of dry and wet signal in the output signal as well as to control its general output level. 

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